Hi, I am


Full Stack Developer

About me

I am a junior full stack developer looking to improve my skills in designing, documenting, testing and implementing new, custom applications for commercial use. In my work, I continually aim to go beyond expectations, participate and contribute to various projects.

As an enthusiastic, passionate and motivated person, I am keen to analyse complex requirements and to develop an in-depth understanding of the company’s needs and objectives, by creating solutions that add value and increase efficiency. I pride myself in my ability to build an end to end user-friendly, secure and robust web application and continuously optimise the code for faster performance.


My work


QMS Manager

Quality Management System

Quality Management System (QMS)

A software solution that helps companies to easily manage aspects of your organization’s quality program. The application is a user-friendly, web-based software applications that manages, tracks and reports all the company's non-conformances in real-time. The application streamlines the complaint process, from client rejection through investigation, root cause analyses all the way to resolution.


Custom system designed for logging in all details of internal, supplier and customer non-conformances, implementing corrective actions allowing efficient case monitoring and providing a data analyses tool.

Root Cause Analysis

Report, track and react to defects and quality nonconformances within your operations. Launch investigations and find the root cause of the nonconformace using a variety of methodologies, including the process audit checklist, fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram and 5 WHY.


Keep track of all costs involved with each non-conformace, either internal or external.

  1. Front End:
    • Javascript (ES6)

    • HTML, CSS

    • ReactJS (react hooks, redux)

    • Typescript

    • Node (npm)

    • Testing:

      • UI unit tests (Jest)

      • UI intergration tests (Protractor)

  2. Back End:
    • Java

    • Spring Boot (REST API Framework)

    • Spring Security (authentication and authorization - JWT)

    • Testing:

      • Unit tests (JUnit 5)

      • Integration tests (Spring Test Context Framework)

    • Database (Hibernate/Spring data JPA + MySQL)

Used by:

Live Demo Source Code

Company Information Database

An application that gives you the option to create your own company or join an existing one.

This is my first end-to-end full stack monolithic application. The backend server is build using Java and Spring Boot. For authorization and authentication, I used Spring Security along with JWT authentication. For storage I used PostgreSQL. The front-end application is be built using ReactJS and TypeScript.

When a user first logs in, he is presented with two options. He can create his own company and become the manager of that company or he can request to join an existing company. If he creates his own company, he can invite existing users to join his company. He can also send emails to invite people who haven't yet registered to the application to sign up. When a user accepts an invitation, he becomes part of that company and is given the employee role. The manager can assign roles, he can hire or fire employee, he can send invitation and he can even dissolve the company. If the user decides to join a company, he can search through all companies and their internal structure. A user can request to join multiple companies, but he can only join one. Once the manager approves his request a notification is sent to him informing him that his request has been approved. Notifications are also sent to all the company's employees informing them that a new employee has join the company.

Live Demo Source Code

My Skills








Spring Framework








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